Originally Posted by Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco
Alex, Germaine Greer, intellectual, writer and feminist, has written a book on this subject, starting exactly from the same question.
Thanks for reminding me, Ilaria. I saw that book in Border's. Greer's other book, The Obstacle Race, shocked and fascinated me many years ago, and I still pick it up and read parts of it. Thanks also, Linda, for the other pertinent references. I think I have some interesting reading ahead of me.
I have to admit that I do not find paintings of young, attractive females(especially the ones with averted faces) particularly interesting. There has to be some psychological tension or emotion going on in the painting to catch my attention, then I see the woman as a human being and she becomes interesting. On the other hand, a portrait of a handsome young man (or older man) can grab my attention much more readily. Maybe this is because I am female--but if what Kim's gallery person says is true, that most of the buyers are women, then I really don't know.