What a great subject!
I had a very respected gallery owner tell me that most nudes are of and bought by women, believe-it-or-not.
Just my own personal belief ...
In the animal kingdom the males are the most colorful and beautiful. For us humans it is generally the females with different clothing, long/different hair styles, makeup, etc. In terms of doing a figurative and using clothing for props - women's clothing has a lot more options. When talking about nudes...women have a lot more rounded flowing shapes to their figures...where as men can be... startling?
I think using men for figuratives can be trickier than using women. Women can look perfectly acceptable nude or sensual - but with a man it is harder to hit that right without doing a 'tough guy' pose or an effeminate pose.
There is also just a generalized stereotype perhaps that beautiful women are...decorative in a way.
Im looking forward to seeing what others have to say. This is a great time to read this. Ive had a harder time getting male models over the years - men dont take it too seriously vs. women who are always flattered to be asked. But - I have several lined up right now - so Im looking forward to seeing what I can do.
"Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn
"If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." - Katherine Hepburn