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Old 06-02-2006, 09:12 PM   #3
Mari DeRuntz Mari DeRuntz is offline
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Joined: Apr 2002
Location: Southern Pines, NC
Posts: 487
Three brief clarifying (I hope) remarks:

1. This was the product of a heavily critiqued session, from life, many, many, many sessions. I see Jeffrey's hand (not that he works on your piece, much to the chagrin of most students - but that's another topic) and visual intelligence correcting and guiding throughout. However, I have a strong faith that while juvenile, one day my own mind/eye will be able to translate the amazing design of a human head with more profundity.

2. This drawing is not a badge of success: it is a map in the journey. When you work from life (again, another topic I hold as a divine truth), it's a fantastic dialog between light on form and your always growing, artistic intelligence.

3. The common refrain to the level Bill is propelling us all to: human excuses. Kids. Money. Job. Marriage. IRS. You name it. I am no "trust-fund fauxhemian" - I have a day job where I earn under poverty level wages. Regardless, I found someone to study with whose work buckles my knees. The rest of life, always, will be work, misery, and spots of blinding bliss.

And while the results do not always fly, I do trust the work, and that even failing is good, that everytime you fail you get closer to getting it right.
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