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Old 05-24-2006, 10:24 AM   #8
Elizabeth Schott Elizabeth Schott is offline
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Originally Posted by Richard Budig
If this worked, there should be a photo attached showing James Tennison's palette "in action." He sent me a CD showing the progression of one of his paintings. He's a really nice guy.

SORRY: Don't know what happened. Seems simple, but I can't seem to upload a jpg.
Oh Richard, I was so confused by your post, I was thinking you were saying "prove his palette works - show us", but your were actually saying if your upload worked there would be a picture here with him and his palette?

I am sure someone can help you with that... did you press the "manage attachments" button that shows when you have the white reply box up on your screen? It is underneath.

Here are some images that might help you...
Attached Images
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