Hi Julie, all are grate shots but 3,4,5 and 6 would be the ones I would paint especially 3,4 &6. As for the lighting I would direct you to the arms and hands on photo 3 &4. This is the best sample of correct flow of light and a excellent value distribution. The highlight on the forehead of 3&4 is to strong and this flattens the forehead. I like 5 because of the pose but the distribution of light is not good for painting but it is workable if you understand what to look for. This is where the understanding when working from life comes in handy. 6 is quite special. The natural setting and pose, the gentle play of colors reds, greens and earth colors and I believe you like it as well. This one is not that simple to paint in order to bring the painting to life but in my humble opinion it would make an excellent work of art.
I hope this helps and I wish you a excellent brush work.