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Old 05-10-2006, 04:07 PM   #9
Patricia Joyce Patricia Joyce is offline
'09 Third Place PSOA Ohio Chapter Competition
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Joined: Aug 2003
Location: Cleveland, OH
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CONGRATULATIONS - Whoop and holler till you are hoarse - you deserve it. I, too, spent ten years getting my degree while raising two sons alone and working two jobs. I know the tenacity which you needed to accomplish your goal and I know how gratifying it is. (unfortunately, my degree was in accounting) Kimber, NO MORE SLEEPLESS nights studying and dragging your butt to the classroom when all you want is to stay home and watch mindless TV

It is apparant that you always valued education, dreamed of reaching that goal, hung in there and DID IT!!. very very proud. Steven is correct, this hard work will serve you well in all your endeavors.

Tough women who survive - - - always inspiring. Thank you for sharing your joy...
Pat Joyce
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