SENIOR MODERATOR SOG Member FT Professional, Author '03 Finalist, PSofATL '02 Finalist, PSofATL '02 1st Place, WCSPA '01 Honors, WCSPA Featured in Artists Mag.
Joined: Jun 2001
Location: Arizona
Posts: 2,481
Beautiful photo. I would never have guessed you used anything but natural light. Can you say more about the light placement, film, etc.?
It will be interesting to see how the digital "revolution" will impact medium-format users. Historically, their clear advantage was the large negative (yes, great lenses, etc.) which yielded far superior prints to the 35mm. To the extent that print quality depends less and less on a negative, this advantage will evaporate. In addition to the equipment expense, the film is more costly to buy and process, and it can be hard to find labs that process the larger film.
For film lovers and darkroom folks, though, I doubt they will ever give up their medium-format cameras.