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Old 04-18-2006, 06:24 PM   #5
Mischa Milosevic Mischa Milosevic is offline
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Joined: Dec 2005
Location: Bad Homburg, Germany
Posts: 707
Louise, I fell for you and I think I see what you are getting at. Let me share just two thoughts with you and you let me know what you think. First, when you have a year waiting list for oils than If this is your choice of medium than go for it. Until then stick with the clients you have. Second, each medium you tackle do more than your best. Do better than your previous. Push your self beyond your limitations. Give it all you got! Never be satisfied at the level of skill you are at. Your work is already good but don't you be satisfied. There is other mountains to climb.

Look at Cassatt. Research about her work. Like, what year she did each drawing/painting and compare her work of that year to the previous year. Try to figure out what she saw and how she applied it in her paintings/drawings. Let the masters of old be your guide and inspiration.

I hope this helps.

Sincere regards,
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