Michelle- Thanks for your response. I want to do the right thing from a business standpoint. I suppose I am doubting myself because I have been getting conflicting advice on the subject. Hence my post here, as I thought that answers from all of you whom I have grown to admire so much would help. I think I may need to simplify. I am working so hard, and putting in so many hours, and am still having a bit of a hard time financially. With this long waiting list, I suppose my next move should be to raise prices, but I just did that a few months ago. I love pastel, but oils are "where the future is" or so I have come to believe. I am just fairly new to all of this, and wanted some input at this crossroads before I make any major moves. I realize that choosing what/how many mediums to offer is a personal decision. I would like to hear everyone's opinion about working in various mediums. Is it a boon to offer choices, or is one percieved as more of a specialist when he/she works in one medium only? Or am I crazy for worrying about all of this?