Thank you all for your input. This topic is of particular interest to both me and my husband (a commercial photographer) since there is a bill currently before Congress to ease the copyright laws so that any artist's images may be used without permission if the originating artist cannot be "easily" contacted, whatever that means. Even now the onus is on the artist (photographer/writer, etc.) to pursue anyone using their work - the da Vinci Code being the most famous case lately. The new legislation would simply make it easier for anyone to pull work from websites, publications, etc. without permission. Although some of us might benefit by the ability to more easily use reference work originated by someone else, this is a slippery slope to start down since we could ultimately be affected also.
I am contacting Artists Magazine for information, but do not expect a full and forthright response from them since they have published Erin Crowe's work with the explanation that her paintings are not "exact copies" of the published photos. I will also try to reach Erin Crowe (hopefully "easily") for an explanation and see what she has to say on the topic. If anyone has further thoughts on this before I do, I would appreciate your input.