Originally Posted by Allan Rahbek
About loose brushstrokes; I am not quite sure that so very many of our clients really appreciate too loose works. They seems to think that 100 strokes are better than 1. . . . I think that it is worth. . .taking the time to educate the customers to see the art in the paintings, and not only the likeness.
I couldn't agree more, Allan. I just typed a long response and my internet service was interrupted! This will be short in comparison. I can't tell you how many times people see the tiny image on my business card and, thinking to compliment me, say, "Wow, this looks just like a photograph!" I just grit my teeth inwardly, smile outwardly, and say "Well, if you saw it in real life you would definitely see a difference," and then they seem to realize that it's not desirable to look like a photo, but it's a friendly exchange, and usually we end up having a short conversation about it.
Artists often are reluctant to loosen up even if they want to, because their clients prefer a highly finished style. It can be very frustrating.
It's so important that people understand that it takes a lot of skill and practice for artists to describe something with a few descriptively accurate brustrokes.