Alexandra, thank you for your comments. I didn't actually "title" it that, I was going to call it simply "Shepherdess", and float the smart-aleck reference to Bouguereau, which is my idea of humor. (heh, heh)
As I noted, I found "high noon" light a problem. Maybe this is a cop-out, I don't mean to be evasive nor defensive, but there are a couple of things about my approach that make comparison to reference photos a little too oblique.
One is that the photos have little to do with the final composition. I have so "Frankensteined" this painting from (necessary) photo snippets that it's not very instructive to compare them, as if I were rendering faithfully from a single photograph. My other cop-out is some questions of light direction in this piece I considered less for technical accuracy than as a compositional element.