Thread: Shepherdess
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Old 04-12-2006, 07:46 AM   #4
Alexandra Tyng Alexandra Tyng is offline
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Actually I kind of like the way you called it "Bouguereau to Buckaroo!" The humorous tone adds a dimension to this painting, I think because it is not sentimental (thank goodness). On the contrary, she looks like a real person and you can really feel the action in the moment and the heat of the sun beating down.

The light/shadow pattern doesn't seem inconsistent to me except for the shadow of the goat/dog in the lower right. Maybe it really is there,. but it is puzzling, since the sun hits the gate. I'm sure you are already re-checking your reference(s) if you painted from photos, but there might be some subtleties missing that caused John's problem in reading the direction of the light.

By the way, can you post your references? This always helps.

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