Pricing for artists is hard
Don't get down on yourself. Art is a right brain activity. Pricing and the business of art is a left brain activity. The more one is right brain oriented the harder it is to perform well in the world of marketing and pricing. The starving artist appellation has a real basis in physiology.
More on art pricing:
As I conceive of the art pricing section. The ratings of our fellow artists on our collective work would comprise a narrow range on the 1 to 10 scale....say for example 5.5 to 6.3 with most ratings centering around 6.
That range would be proportionate to the $0 to $58 art market range (which by the way is a curve and not a flat line). Thus equivalent pricing for the artist rated above might be $17 to $23 per square inch with the center around $21. The artist now has a suggested range to work in for pricing.
Individual pieces would be rated in the same way. A strong piece might break open the range and suggest to the artist that it is time to raise prices again.
However, it will always be left up to the artist to set his own sales price. He or she could accept or ignore the advice of the pricing section. So in the final analysis, the artist must have confidence in setting their own price. it is my hope that the pricing section will boost that confidence and allow the artist to receive the income they justly deserve.