Thanks for all of your comments...this photo was taken by a professional photographer named Rick Elias out of California. I have received his permission to paint from it.....therefore, there will be no re-shooting, unfortunately. I looked back at my original post and notice I used the word "shooting" with regard to this show coming up...shooting for it...well, I realized that statement might have been misconstrued as though I was "shooting" photos for it, lol...nope, i'm "shooting" for it as in aiming for was my goal, sorta thing...

I WISH I could photograph this sort of beautiful shot. I do admire his photography greatly..he is VERY talented.
A lot of times, as you all know...and have stated...many photos look wonderful as just that...photographic artwork...and do not make good paintings....being so new at this, I'm still struggling with that line in the sand. This is why I asked about this photo. I love the mood of it...just as my Rebecca painting...I like an emotion to be involved..a mysterious one is even better. I think that is what I like about this photo so much. It speaks volumes without saying a word.
I hadn't noticed the tangent in her body/chair area...hoping that won't be a problem. Her hand? foreshortening....well.....again, I HOPE that if I just paint what I see, it will read correctly...I may be setting myself up for a fall, but I'm not going to go into it with huge fears...
I have not painted in almost a month..if you saw my daily schedule with the three children and my husband's cattle business that i'm working on taxes for, you would know why!
SOOOO, I'm about ready to BUST. This week i'm going to start on this...I'm thinking on a little larger canvas..not too large, but is 16x20 large enough? should I go larger??? I want to blur a lot with this painting...this is very new to me..I'm a tight detailed painter but I do love very much the blurred look...sorta like Garth's work. You ALL know it....just breathtaking slightly blurred realism. LOVE IT.