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Old 07-16-2002, 08:24 PM   #1
Chris Saper Chris Saper is offline
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Transparent monochrome

I have been such an admirer of transparent monochrome work that I have decided to try to gain some skill in it. It seems to satisfy my most basic love, which is drawing, and marry it with oil painting. This is the first one I have actually tried with materials recommended my artist Dan Goozee.

Dan uses water-based transparent color (here I have used Artisan's Burnt Sienna) on acrylic-primed linen. His reasoning is that with water-based paint, you have two opportunities to lift color: first, with a water-dampened rag; and second, (once the water evaporates) with mineral spirits. Of course you can't use oil-primed linen or the paint beads up.

This is just a quick sketch from open studio, but it was a great deal of fun.

Can anyone share their experience, technique, material, etc., with respect to this medium?
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