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Old 02-13-2006, 07:11 PM   #56
Joy Thomas Joy Thomas is offline
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Originally Posted by Jean Kelly
That is an amazing story, I also thank you for sharing it. You both (husband and you) sound like fascinating people with a lot of guts and love for art.

My first husband was also an artist, but when it came to encouraging me or even allowing me to have some time to paint, it was "no way"!
I divorced him. My current hubby is my biggest supporter and fan. I'm a newcomer to painting (4 years), and now am disabled but I keep working. When I get discouraged I'll come back to your post, and charge forward again. I love the part about bringing in your husband or father! When will they ever get it?

Good for you, Jean...I think it's important to move away from those who discourage us as we attempt to "follow our bliss".

I'm glad you found my story useful, it does take some guts to do this, unless of course one is independently wealthy, on the other hand, I can't imagine life without my art...can you?

Joy Thomas
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