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Old 02-02-2006, 11:17 PM   #10
Peggy Baumgaertner Peggy Baumgaertner is offline
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Posts: 233
I spray with retouch varnish, but the only one on the market that still "works" is Blair. You need to do some research on Blair, because I hear they are discontinuing it. Jerry's had it the last I looked. Steven is right, you really should not be painting over a varnished painting. If you find you must repaint (......when I get that feeling, I go lie down until the feeling goes away....), the varnish needs to be completely removed before new paint can be applied. At that point, you are getting into a major archival area, and can seriously mess up your painting. Better to wait two or three years to varnish, so you know there will be no corrections. I spray with retouch varnish (Blair) before the painting goes out.

If I find I need to make a correction after I've varnished, I remove the old varnish (it takes hours, cotton swabs, clean cotton cloth, turp, and tremendous patience), apply the paint, and spray with retouch varnish....and pray....

You cannot varnish twice.
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