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Old 12-26-2005, 12:29 AM   #2
Albert Loewy
Posts: n/a
Dear Ana, N.Y.C., December 25th, 2005
Hi, my name's Albert, and I'm a representational painter from the city. I am, and have, in the past few years, been fortunate enough to be a recipient of monthly stipends from the Newington-Cropsey Foundation in Westchester to pursue art. I use that money to hire portrait models. The N.C.F. Museum is located in Hastings, N.Y., as is the location where I paint my models. (their Academy) Here's their website,
They're right next to the Hastings stop on the MetroNorth train. A round trip ticket from Manhattan to Hastings can be bought for around $10. For posing for me once to twice weekly, 12:30ish-4ish, I pay $13/hr., plus your train fare. If this interests you, please call me. (917) 273-7789
Lookin' Forward To Hearing from You.
Albert Loewy
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