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Old 12-11-2005, 06:06 AM   #30
Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco is offline
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Another question for the panel of D50 experts!

I am experiencing difficulties in getting a proper photo of my last painting, and I was wondering which settings you lot are using for this.
My pictures seem slightly out of focus. I tried the auto and premesured white balance settings, and set the autofocus to nearest subject. Bracketing resulted in the best shot being slightly underexposed. Unfortunately I couldn't use my tripod ( lost somewhere in the house) but I have been shooting yesterday at a speed of 1/325 and I don't think it is my hand shaking.
I don't understand, maybe it is a matter of glare.
I painted for the first time on a sanded surface, which perhaps bounces out the light more then a textured one.
This was my best result
and even when seen in full quality is not very good.
Any suggestion?
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