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Old 12-05-2005, 07:25 AM   #15
Isabel Chiang Isabel Chiang is offline
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Marcus, Thank you again! I'll definitely check out that book you recommended.

Kim, Thank you so much for the lecture. As an artist, we go through tough time a lot, eh? I guess everyone has a few stories to tell. I've just found a full time job for this summer holiday (it's summer in Aus now). Been working all week. You are right, I must take care of the business first.

Chris, Thank you! It's a pleasure to be here!

David, Hi " Ni Hao"!!! Wow! you've been to China?! Your Chinese sounds pretty good to me. My best friend is from beijing too, I can speak mandarin. Thank you for the kind words, You are too nice! Say hi to Jeanen. She's such a lovely lady, isn't she?
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