She's so real, attractive but individual, the opposite of generic beauty. Looking at one of your drawings is like getting a glimpse of your life as told though the people you know.
Alex, Thank you so much! I'm so glad you can see that because it's exactly what I wanted to achieve in this drawing. I meant to loosen up a bit more at the bottom part, giving the drawing more life and energy. But that wasn't very successful, it ended up looking a little too tight for my liking.

Guess I lost my confidence towards the end.
Marcus , Hey "Leng Chai" (pretty boy)!!! How did you find out I'm a Cantonese speaker? Thanks for the comment. Think I'd spent around 40-50 hours in this drawing from start to finish. Geez, graphite IS time consuming, eh? I have lost many hours of my life since I started drawing. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it.
Geary, Good to see ya, my friend. Thank you for all the encouragement! Wow! You have given me too much credit. Though, I enjoy being "Weird" and "Modern". I am Weird....