SENIOR MODERATOR SOG Member FT Professional, Author '03 Finalist, PSofATL '02 Finalist, PSofATL '02 1st Place, WCSPA '01 Honors, WCSPA Featured in Artists Mag.
Joined: Jun 2001
Location: Arizona
Posts: 2,481
Bad photo resources
One of the biggest obstacles I see my students face in their commission work is that they start with inferior, doomed resource material.
I hear many reasons repeatedly:
"But the client insisted"
"But I needed the money"
"But that's all I had"
"But, but, but I am not responsible here"
These are all reasons to warn aforehand, that the portrait will fail, and that the artist is not responsible.
Think about it this way: If Sargent wouldn't attempt it, why in the world would any of us think we should?