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Old 11-04-2005, 07:23 PM   #8
Steven Sweeney Steven Sweeney is offline
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Just quickly passing through, I should point out that my oil rubbing procedure is intended for pre-varnishing endeavors, not to resuscitate something that hasn't responded even to varnish. That's a tougher nut to crack. And in fact, I haven't experienced it so I can't tell you how I hedged my bets.

I believe that the weight of authority is quite strongly against painting over varnish. There is an adhesion concern, but also, if the varnish ever has to be removed, there goes your layer of changes with it! More about that when time permits . . . [By the way, if you're thinking like I used to and figured there would never be an occasion when you'd have to strip the varnish off a painting, think again. And if it happens, and your varnish is fast bonded to the paint because you laid it down on a wet layer, crystal ball says there's disappointment in your future.]

I wouldn't get in a hurry to get a coat of varnish on a painting, even if it's about to go out the door to the left coast. If I had any doubt whatsoever that the painting was completely dry, I'd probably hit it with a light spray of retouch varnish for "presentation" purposes and then make the client swear on a stack of Marvel comics that the painting would either be returned to me for varnishing in a year, or taken to a professional in the client's locale for that purpose.
Steven Sweeney
[email protected]

"You must be present to win."
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