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Old 10-25-2005, 08:29 PM   #24
Max Howard Max Howard is offline
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Joined: Jul 2005
Location: Northeast Georgia
Posts: 6
Originally Posted by Jean-Marie Koch
kim: Can you tell me why you chose the one from Max over the Boynton palette?
Probably because I'm such a swell guy
I've mixed paint on dark and light wood palettes but I usually just use scraps of gesso panel which are bright white, not for any particular aid to color matching, but because there's always a bunch of them around. The point I'm trying to make is that the color of the surface that I'm mixing on has very little effect on value accuracy, if I really need to make 100% sure of the value I use a gray-scale. Color and value matching is pretty easy once you grasp the rudiments of color theory, confidence also plays a major role. Trust your eyes!
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