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Old 10-24-2005, 09:38 PM   #22
Garth Herrick Garth Herrick is offline
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Sounds like the lens.

Hi Bobbi,

I have not met you before, so hello and welcome. I have the similar but preceding Nikon D-100. From what I gathered from what you wrote, your issue has nothing to do with flash or no flash, or time of day, but is simply some kind of lens distortion. I doubt I have the same lens as you, but if I did, or if Molly did on her D-50, we should all see the same lens result. I noticed similar problems with my three lenses, and they are lens problems, not camera function problems. I usually suffer a slight pin cushion effect at the frame edge. Usually I just accept and ignore it. Which lens(es) do you have?

Could you post an example of the distortion you are experiencing? It would be easier to discuss this with a tangible example.

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