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Old 10-18-2005, 10:24 AM   #8
Rob Sullivan Rob Sullivan is offline
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Sometimes in an open studio, you get stuck in a certain place and you make the best of it.
I see this kind of thing far too often with my students. Especially if it's a big class. There's no good reason for this unless you're late, in which case I beat the student with a mahl stick and take away all their brushes except for a 4" house painting brush. <----[joking!]

Seriously, the model is supposed to be still, but you are allowed to move. It's important to exercise this freedom. I'd rather see someone spending 10 minutes on composition than launching into something - then half an hour later, they realize they're in a bad spot. Time spent correcting can be avoided by taking time initially. Waaaay back in my student days at SVA, I would elbow my way in towards the model stand, it was so tight. It ticked some people off, but I was there to paint the model, not the back of a classmate's head!

This is not to say that moving around will solve all your problems, but it solves some them. I knew a winemaker who used to say, "I'm shooting for evolution, not revolution." I think that's apropos of painting, too.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
- J.R.R. Tolkien

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