Thread: Museum Visit
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Old 09-22-2005, 01:42 PM   #4
Jimmie Arroyo Jimmie Arroyo is offline
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Location: New Jersey
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Gee wiz, I wanted to talk about our day and you beat me to it. It sounds like I enjoyed your company more than you enjoyed mine tho, that's ok, I'll get over it. Just kidding. Anyone who has not had the privilage to meet Kim, she is very sweet, down to earth, and funny. We(or at least I did) had a blast.

Kim came over to my job in Nanuet, NY and got the piercing she has been talking about forever. She met my idiot co-workers, watched me inflict some pain, and hopefully left with an understanding why I don't want to tattoo anymore.

Her Mustang was cool, I felt embarrassed wanting to drive it. We went to Barnes & Noble in Paramus, then to eat at Chilis, where she spilled her soda. Must have been nerves, I have that affect on women.

Sunday, we went to the Met where she got yelled at by a gaurd for pointing too close to a Franz Hals painting. I warned her about it, she would'nt listen. She had her first NY hotdog from a vender outside the museum. We drove around, trying to show her different neighborhoods and backgrounds. Came close to hitting some pedestrians. It was refreshing to have someone interested in the beauty and architecture of NYC where most local people usually just take it for granted.

Thanks Kim for the comment that mine should have won something, I'm usually very humble, but even I think I should have won something, I would have gladly taken the money.

Well, anyhoo, I had a great time, hopefully we can do it again someday.
"Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish"-Michelangelo

jimmie arroyo
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