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Old 09-15-2005, 02:37 PM   #5
Richard Budig Richard Budig is offline
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Location: Lincoln, NE
Posts: 260
If I'm not mistaken, retouch varnish is about 10 per cent varnish, and ninety per cent turp. Thus, your problem may well not be a retouch varnish problem. It should have dried long ago. Retouch varnish, as I understand it, and as I use it, is for briefly bringing up all the values to the same degree of "juiciness" so that you can get started on that day's painting in correct values and colors.

That leaves the paint, itself. What paint is underneath? Some colors are notoriously slow driers . . . alizarin, cad yellow . . . I think. If you have some heavy passages of slow drying paint, I would suspect them, first.

The drying part of the problem may be resolved if you can't get up there for another couple of months. It may be dry by then. But as previously suggested, you may have to sand with a very light grit, and repaint a passage. But, do it lightly so that it dries.
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