Vegas Mattelson workshop portrait
OK Patty and Enzie, here it is.
My portrait from Marvin's two week Vegas portrait workshop.
I call it........." Sleeping beauty. " (My model was on allergy medication and had a hard time keeping her eyes open.)
I hope I do this right. This is the first attempt at posting an image from my mac instead of PC.
A few words about my portrait. If you like her ear.......I don't want to hear about it. I was so excited with myself after having to continually move everything on my own(her eyes, her mouth, her nose, her hair, her shoulders, the side of her face, her chin, did I leave anything out? OH yes, her ear. The LAST day as Marvin squatted in my position (because I am nearly a foot shorter than he is) I said to him, "Something doesn't look right about her ear" He looked at me over his very spotty glasses and said "That's because it is in the wrong spot."
I fought my last day with trying to move her ear and he came to my painting and in two, yes two, swipes of two paint brushes in different values, carved out her ear and handed me the brush and said "What did you learn in the shower?"
In a nutshell what he was trying to tell me is that I forgot what I was painting. I was trying to paint an ear, and he is trying to teach me to paint shapes. Shapes that look like ears, and eyes, and a nose, etc...
What does this have to do with me in the shower? Don't ask. It is a long story. it is. I hope.
Thanks for looking.
Janel Maples