Thread: Color plunge!
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Old 06-14-2002, 02:39 PM   #10
Michele Rushworth Michele Rushworth is offline
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Ramon, here's my advice:

1. For now, ignore the books and ignore everything you've read about color theory. They'll make you think too much and make you more fearful just trying to remember everything.

2. Gesso up a few dozen pieces of heavy duty acid free paper. Blank canvases are expensive and intimidating.

3. Get some reference. Try to find objects you're not too attached to. Put an old shoe or a pile of ratty books on a table and paint that.
The point is to loosen up and let go of your fears.

4. Buy a dozen or so different colors of paint (primaries, secondaries, neutrals, etc). Not too many or the complexity will get in your way.

5. Grab your biggest brushes. Put the little ones away.

6. Set a goal for yourself to paint twenty pieces in a weekend. It doesn't matter what they look like when they're done. This is a learning exercise.

7. Have a glass of wine if you want to, lock yourself in the studio and don't come out until you've done a pile of paintings. Have a fabulous time!

You'll learn so much about your paints, color mixing, etc and you won't be afraid any more.

After that, then you should study the books that everyone has recommended. But it really comes down to jumping in and doing it.

Have a great time!
Michele Rushworth
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