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Old 08-14-2005, 04:36 PM   #1
Enzie Shahmiri Enzie Shahmiri is offline
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Marvin Mattelson Workshop Portrait

After Marvin's wonderful workshop I immediately travelled to Europe and had not a chance to rave about my wonderful experience at the 2 week long workshop by Marvin Mattelson in Las Vegas.

As I had told Marvin, I was a bit sceptical about his Cad free palette, since I adore the rich colors used by the Orientalist School. After I had seen his Silvia and her granddaughter I was absolutely blown away by the subtle skin tones and could not stay away any longer. Now my only regret is that I did not take his workshop sooner.

One seldomly comes across someone who is not only a great artist, but so willing and generous with the information he shares. After my initial day of utter melt down, he assured me I was suffering from "workshop anxiety" and let me be. I really appreciated the fact that he never forced his believes on me, but let me discover his technique by watching him paint.

I have taken several good workshops in the past and am grateful for what I have learned. Marvin's workshop filled in the gaps and provided me with not only a fool proof color palette, but key elements of knowledge on how to achieve elements in a painting and be in full control of my work.

Now instead of just painting along, I feel in control. Marvin, I will be forever indebt to you and can't thank you enough
for all the knowledge you have shared with us.

By the way this painting took only 2-3 days, which for me was a 1st.
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Enzie Shahmiri
Professional Portrait Artist
Founder of Southern California Society of Portrait Artists
World Market Portraits Blog
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