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Old 07-11-2005, 10:22 AM   #3
Molly Sherrick Phifer Molly Sherrick Phifer is offline
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You're doing a beautiful job with your grandma! She looks very alive. I think the collection case is extremely well done as well. I can't even imagine all that painstaking detail!
I am far from an expert on composition, but my feeling is that the adjacent furniture along the sides of the painting create a sense of being boxed in. Also, they keep drawing my eye as they don't seem perfectly plumb. I'm sure this is due to the photo and not your piece itself. I think those verticals could be superfluous and may detract from the beauty of the piece.

I really like the middle photo, where you have cropped your grandma to a 3/4 view. The surface of the seat looks perfect in this one, whereas when I see the whole picture the seat looks somewhat flat to me although I think that the material drapes over the side.

I hope this doesn't sound too critical, because I really do think this is terrific (wish I had done it )! Just wanted to let you know what seemed to stand out for me. Your grandma is very beautiful and youthful looking. I can certainly see a family resemblance!
- Molly
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