Thank you all for your varied answers, I think i might need to clarify what I am talking about. I do understand the correctness of brush work, thus my problem. I know if have seen this work before that I am speaking about when I refer to the texture above, but maybe upon completion with final brush strokes added and varnish the texture changes .
I do know it is one that occurs when I struggle with an area, I do scrape Chris and even sand, but it is still there but not due to paint thickness. I think the more I rework an area, the thinner my application is with more medium.
I am just trying to understand if there are more works like this in the "just before finish" stage with this type of surface texture and is it a do over if it's like this?
Now that I have said this I found one lovely painting that seems to have this texture but it could be the way it is lit for the photo, because this lady is certainly a pro and knows what she is doing.
This is "Fancy Lady" by Peggy B.