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Old 07-09-2005, 12:57 AM   #4
Lacey Lewis Lacey Lewis is offline
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Location: Kansas City, KS
Posts: 327
I also feel like built up paint is not a problem unless it's on my painting! It's been a really big issue for me in the past, but have found some ways to minimise the build up.

Lately I have found myself going through a process where I paint and then either wipe areas with a rag or use an old bristle brush to blend everything, removing the paint from the brush with a rag as I go. This way, I tend to have a blurry image of the form that I can make adjustments to as I go along and then put in the sharper brushstrokes after the form looks good. It keeps the layers of paint thinner and smoother.

Also, I decided recently to scrape or wipe off anything I don't think is working right immediately instead of waiting until the next day to decide what to do about it. This has helped a lot.

That is, of course, if you WANT to keep the paint smooth. I really do like some of those paintings that have a lot of texture and seem so confident.
Lacey Lewis
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