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Old 07-07-2005, 03:43 AM   #21
Mikael Melbye Mikael Melbye is offline
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Joined: May 2005
Location: Soroe, Denmark
Posts: 47
Dear Cynthia F and Michelle,

Yes, that is what i was looking for. And don't worry about being late in answering. I'm only just back from Rome, so the timing is perfect.

Thanks all for posting all these suggestions, they have helped a lot, and as I said I'm happy that I'm not the only one struggling with this...phuii.

Michelle, OMS is of course odorless mineral spirits! This however is something entirely different in Denmark (we usually drink it if you take the mineral out of it that is!!), so that's why it didn't spring to mind. Alcohol and spirit is the same thing in Danish, and therefore I always have to do a little extra thinking when the term in Danish like turpentine which is what we call mineral spirits come up. Odorless... I'm not sure has even been invented over here. I'm sure Allan would be able to clarify that.

I will now go and sign a painting and post the result afterwords. Then you can all see whether your efforts were worthwhile.

Love to you all

Mikael Melbye
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