Thoughts on your Portrait
Hello Sergio,
I always enjoy this part of the forum. I wake up in the morning, brew my coffee, and look through the new posts & unveilings. I am surprised that there haven't been any responses to this beautiful portrait. I think that may be because you are at such a professional level there is very little to speak of technically. I love your subjects beautiful eyes and the light shinning through the flesh of her lips. The hair and fabric are a work of love. The whole portrait is finished to perfection. Obviously, you know your medium & you have developed a recognizable style. Bravo!
I have thought and thought about something I would fault you on. There are only a couple things that come to mind, and even then, I am not sure they are truly a problem. The first is the value change. If you were to go for a little bit of drama or breath a little extra life into your style I might push the value changes just a bit. The "Portrait of Youth" by Botticelli and Da Vinci's portrait of a young girl came to my mind when I looked at your work. When I compare your work to theirs I think their values have a slightly wider range than yours--which adds to the fullness of form and the dynamic play of light and dark.
The only other thought I have, is the lack of gesture in your models. Which may be a stylistic choice and not a relevant discussion. Perhaps just adding a hand or relaxing your models just a bit would give a more gestural quality to your work.
It is a pleasure to see your work in this forum.
Lara Cannon