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Old 06-18-2005, 05:57 PM   #5
Mikael Melbye Mikael Melbye is offline
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Joined: May 2005
Location: Soroe, Denmark
Posts: 47
Dear Allan and Claudemir,

Thanks for your tips, but I don't think that I would ever use anything but oil paint to sign my paintings with. Also I have no problem where to put the signature, and how large it should be. My problem is simply the viscosity of the oil paint which is not suitable to write with. The painters that I mentioned in the beginning of the thread were a certain category of western painters (like in cowboys and Indians) that had the most elegant and fluid signature. Thin in the line, and like written with a pen but clearly in some kind of paint. I once tried some lacker used for model trains and airplanes, but that didn't work. It bleed into the weave of the canvas, and the result was smeared. So there we are.

Best wishes,

Mikael Melbye
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