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Old 06-18-2005, 01:23 PM   #1
Mikael Melbye Mikael Melbye is offline
Professional painter
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Joined: May 2005
Location: Soroe, Denmark
Posts: 47
How to sign a painting? the risk of being burned at the stakes, I'll throw this one in the arena:

How do you sign a painting?

Whenever I get to this seemingly uncomplicated stage of the painting, my otherwise steady hand starts to resemble the head of late goddess/actress Katherine Hepburn (God bless her soul). The otherwise flowing paint that I spend months and years with, start to get on the canvas in lumps, in broad unflattering lines, definitely not where I want them to go, and so on.

Sometimes when browsing through the more industrial galleries of Santa Fe, I sometimes see artist that sign there painting with a flow that resemble the signing of a check. And I get terribly envious. Does there exist a pen with oil paint that will make it look like that?

Do you use a completely different kind of paint?

Do tell me,

love, Mikael
Mikael Melbye
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