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Old 06-15-2005, 01:31 PM   #15
Patricia Joyce Patricia Joyce is offline
'09 Third Place PSOA Ohio Chapter Competition
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Joined: Aug 2003
Location: Cleveland, OH
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You are all making me feel so much better! As I shared with Jimmie in a private email, I drew this four times and almost threw this one into the trash. But my fiance insisted I put her on the wall and let it "perculate" for a week, which I did and decided to finish up and call it a keeper. But I was really not sure about it.

Isabel, I purchased a matt cutting tool. I am at the office so I can't give you the name of it now, but I will get it to you. It cost about $75 and is great for cutting matts. I buy real cheap black frames. A couple times I have built my own wooden frames from the kits you can get in craft stores, too. Aside from the initial $75 expense it is so much cheaper than having work framed, which I cannot afford to do either!

If you have ever seen Anthony Ryder's drawings you should check them out. He uses the same tinted Canson Tiennes paper and mats his drawings in the same paper only a different shade. It looks real nice and I have seen his work hanging in galleries this way - simple black frame.

Chris, my model stood leaning against a window and I sat on a low stool with my sketchpad. I also took pictures of her from the same angle which turned out bad, so I had to bring her back to the studio a few times for detail on features. She is a GREAT model and cheap!!! She is my niece and extremely willing to pose for me all summer
Pat Joyce
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