What an ineresting idea, I never thought of using a storage unit as a studio. I actually have a temperature controlled storage unit, my husband gave it to me for my birthday. (I LOVE to visit estate sales and have been bringing home lots of junk - or junque - but that's another story.)
I live in Houston and the facility is located in a good part of town, though next to train tracks. It has 24 hour access with a key and a code, restroom facilities on the first floor, even a coke and candy machine on the first floor. All this for $75 a month.
I'll bet in your area you could find something similar.
Another option here in Houston that you might find in your area are small studios. Downtown there is an old building with an art store conveniently located on half the first floor. The rest of the first floor and second floor have been converted into artists studios for rent. It's a bit like an office environment with hallways and offices/studios. It's entirely inhabited by artists, I think the rooms run about $300 a month. They also have an 'open house' once a year where the public can come and visit the studios and buy paintings, pottery . . .
Another idea, I noticed an 8,500 square foot retail/office space near my home for rent. Perhaps you could split an office space among a couple of other artists. Most office spaces have some kind of partitions or walls for privacy.
Good luck with your search!