Thread: Hand too small?
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Old 06-13-2005, 07:11 PM   #5
Chris Saper Chris Saper is offline
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Hi Barbara,

I think that her right hand is too small, and the left is too large. What I would do in this kind of situation is photograph some stand-in hands from the same angle, with the same light source -then repaint both hands. As it is, her right hand in its present position couldn't occur unless she was leaning far away from us.

If you decide to photograph some stand-in hands, I would think about changing their position so that the fingertips don't lead the viewer's eye out of the canvas. The fingertips now form a tangent with the edge of the canvas. I think that you could have her hold a china teacup which would allow you to bring her hands and forearms up and support your center of interest.

Just a few other notes - you might recheck the hairline's shape and position. Also attend to the sofa - as the light striking the sofa should be compatible with the light striking everything else.

I think you have done a really fabulous job lighting and photographing your model - this would be lovely as a head/shoulders piece as well.

Kindest regards,
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