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Old 11-13-2001, 02:08 AM   #5
Brian McDaniel Brian McDaniel is offline
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Joined: Aug 2001
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Posts: 33

Thanks once again for taking the time to give me a very detailed, constructive critique. Your points are extremely valid and really help me to open my eyes and search for those details that I didnt look for before.

You're so right, the harp hitting that lower corner is a rather annoying tangent. The strings, oh those strings. When I look at this now, the strings I like the best are the ones I can barely see, running up towards the top of the string bed. Hinting at the strings here and there would've been so much more effective. I had'nt even noticed how my background colors end about the same place as her head, forming that 'line' across the top. Sheesh, you have a good eye!!

I actually used a blue glaze in those reflective shadows on the right side. Over the yellowish skin tone in that area, it turned out a bit on the green side. I added a few more layers but I was a bit scared away from going 'too far' and it either getting too blue or too dark.

Edges. Thanks for enlightening me on those. Its something I have begun using quite a bit in every painting since this one. Softening up those edges away from the center of attention. Something that this harp couldve really used.

I looked through your new book and it looks great. I've been meaning to order it up at Amazon, along with a few other books. Just havent gotten around to it.

Thanks again for your help. Believe me, it has been very helpful. Hopefully it will show in the next portrait I put up here, which should be done in about a month or so. Wedding dresses = lots of details. But so far so good.
Brian McDaniel

Last edited by Cynthia Daniel; 11-13-2001 at 02:23 AM.
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