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Old 06-03-2005, 07:35 PM   #15
Richard Monro Richard Monro is offline
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Joined: Dec 2004
Location: Scottsdale, AZ
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For us true desert rats 85 and lower is getting chilly, 100 is nice, 110 is great pool time. At 120 we head for the shade. We also get cranky when the humidity gets over 25%. Normal desert humidity is 8% to11% and explains why hotter is better. It takes a higher temperature at desert humidities to get the same heat index as you folks get back East with your 80 to 100% humidity days.

My wife won't go into the pool unless the temp is 86 or higher. Talk about spoiled. We used to live in Connecticut and will take the dry desert heat over the humidity, rain, ice and snow any day. But that is just us. 300 days of sunshine doesn't hurt either. Also I don't miss the mosquitoes at all. They used to eat me alive.
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