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Old 05-24-2005, 10:24 PM   #8
Jane Bradley Jane Bradley is offline
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Location: Arizona
Posts: 94
Thanks for the great advice eveyone. Unfortunately I could not get any further away to take this picture - I knew there would be some distortion - we were going to take more pics outside, but it was 112 that day. The father wanted him in the rocker - and the boy wanted his favorite stuffed animal - (he is in second grade) The only light area was in the kids room by this window. I finally talked him into a smaller stuffed animal, so there are other pics with that animal. I would like to take more pics but am stuck with what I have. I think your idea of substitution is a good one Sharon - if I use this pose.
I like the way you cleaned up the background and took part of the rocker out, Mike. I think that works well. I also agree that decreasing the size of the legs works much better Garth.
Here is a picture from the first shoot which was totally out of hand. The dog kept jumping in the pool and the father had to manhandle the dog to get him to stay in one place. The father was determined that the dog would be in the painting with the boy. In this photo I took the father out with photoshop - this was the best one we got with the boy and the dog that day. The dog looks kind of scary -
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