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Old 05-16-2005, 09:03 PM   #7
Marcus Lim Marcus Lim is offline
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Originally Posted by Lani Powell
In applying the varnish, should you paint it on in one direction only?

Or (as I have read elsewhere) should one apply the varnish in one direction, let that dry, and then apply the varnish in the perpendicular direction?
Hi Lani,

In answering your question, I would think there are different schools of thought - one being applying one perpendicular to the other.
For me, what I did was applying with random (but concentrated) strokes over parcels of areas of the painting. As I did that on a elevated plane, e.g on a table facing the light, I constantly check for areas where I did not cover with my brushing. And when I've more or less covered the painting fully with varnish, I then bring my brush to the shorter length of the painting (still facing the light) a put another brushstroke using one direction only. It's important to note all this steps in the process are completed within that same period of time.

And so far I have wonderful results with this procedure!
Marcus Lim
Historian Painter, Singapore
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