Originally Posted by Mike McCarty
This is really beautiful. I like everything about it.
I have two nit picks since you're asking -- first, her posture would indicate that she may be leaning against the wall, if this is true, I would think a slightly darker value would be indicated in the vicinity of her left shoulder as it contacts the wall. It seems a bit conflicted to me as it is.
The other item would be the slightly higher value of the hands. They seem just a bit brighter than the brightest notes of her face. And you might want to look at the temperature relationship between the shadowed forearm and her left wrist. It may be a value thing instead of temperature, I'm not sure. Also, the dark crease in that underneath forearm seems a bit too pronounced.
Her face, clothing and background are very beautifully done. I only wish I could do as well.
Mike, thank you so much! She is leaning lightly against the wall but the only part touching would be her back shoulder blade. I would like it to look like she is more firmly placed so do you think I can still darken a tad at the shoulder? I agree with what you said. I was just too afraid to get it too dark. Once I do that it's hard to go back in pastel.
I have posted a photo of the hands in the above post and I am hoping you can tell me based on what you see whether I am off in my values on that arm. I am sure you are right. I think the shadow under her arm is too deep.
I have taken another photo of the work which is blurry but better color and posterized it in grayscale to see if my values are okay. Please look at that (posted below). I didn't use a flash when I took this one (which explains why it was blurry). I'm thinking the flash on my camera which aims straight for the middle, hit the hands and made the value lighter than it actually is. Of course I am basing this on my grayscale version which is the best way I know to check. Are there any other sure-fire ways of checking relative values? I really have to sacrifice color for clarity. I need a tripod.
I appreciate you also looking carefully at this. Thank you again for your help. You are a sweet and smart person.