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Old 05-08-2005, 12:27 PM   #7
Lisa Ober Lisa Ober is offline
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Originally Posted by Terri Ficenec
Hi Lisa--
This is a beautiful piece, and you've done an amazing job on that quilted jacket, I love it!

You're in critiques, though... so here are some little nitpicky things that catch my eye:
- Her eye on our left seems stretched towards the outer corner, and isn't turning as it moves away from us
- Her near fingertips are reading below the nail as somewhat flattened? It could be that they are pressing into the arm there, but somehow they appear to be resting lightly on the fabric...
- The far wrist/hand reads a bit thick/boxlike to me?
- the angle of her mouth line and the bottom of her nose is different from the line of her eyes (which may just be the skew of her face, if her features are not symetrical)

Of course, the color question is difficult to address since it is so monitor specific... But I think you've done a nice job on keeping her skin tones away from the orange cast and generally her skin tones are very believable. I especially like the skin tones on her neck... her face seems cooler (than the neck) --maybe a little much cooler on the lower half of the face?... but that could just be my monitor so take that with a grain of salt!
Terri, thank you so much for your thoughtful and detailed response. I hope you don't think I am arguing as I really want to learn but I have looked over my source photos and am posting pieces of them here so maybe you can help me. It was hard to find exactly the right photos since I combined so many but I think I found my best references for the eyes and hands. At least I am close.

First, I have cropped the eyes so you can see if you think it is Kelly or me that is off. I do see that I have "opened" her eyes a bit more so I know I am off there. Do you still see the problem with the direction? I am having trouble seeing it.

Second, I am posting the hands. I do agree with your comments but that is what I see in the photo with regard to the shape of the wrist. Any suggestions on how I could change/alter my representation of it so it reads better? I never really did like the way her hands were resting. Had it been a commission I would have changed it. I was too anxious to try this new board.

She is not symetrical (not way off though) and I am comfortable with the placement of the features but I can see why that is a little bothersome.

I am indeed having a terrible time with accurate color. I only have a Koday 4.1 MP camera which not only distorts the images but also picks up even the slightest underlying red colors and magnifies them like crazy. I have tried color correcting in Photoshop (which I know quite well) but it is too time consuming to isolate certain areas for color correction when the camera is so cheap.

Your comments are excellent and you have really made me look very hard at the drawing. Thank you so much. I am anxious to hear your thoughts once you have seen the photos.
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Lisa Ober
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