05-08-2005, 10:58 AM
Juried Member FT Professional
Joined: Feb 2005
Location: St. Louis, MO
Posts: 302
Originally Posted by Carolyn Bannister
I know that just saying wow and nothing constuctive is frowned upon, but I honestly can't think of anything to say.
Originally Posted by Carolyn Bannister
The detail is amazing and I really like the palette. The figurative content gives this so much more feeling as well, she looks like she has a bit of attitude
What measurement is the head?
I'm struggling to get detail in a face at the moment, I am so envious of the delicacy in the featues you have acheived. 
Hi Carolyn! What you said was indeed constructive. It made my day! This palette is a real change for me. I'm still getting used to it. Thank you for noticing the more figurative bent. I do so many vignettes for work that I almost forget I can show more of the figure. This was a fun change. Granted, it's a very simple setting but it's a step for me.
The head measures just about 8 inches from the bottom fo the chin to the top of the head. I rarely do anything smaller than that.
I find it hard to believe after seeing your lovely work that you have any troulbe at all with details. Were you talking about "Proud Housewife" when you said that? I have been watching your progress and I think it is coming along great. You work much like I did on this one, working from one section out. If you feel stuck, move on to something else for a bit. I find it helps. In any case, I think you handle features beautifully.
Thank you for the kind comments.
Originally Posted by Richard Monro
Congratulations. For a first pastel this is amazingly done. I especially appreciate the textures of the jacket as that kind of detail absolutley drives me nuts.
Richard, I wish it was my first pastel but it is only my first on a custom panel. Sorry if I confused you. I hope the nice compliment will still apply.