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Old 05-03-2005, 12:44 PM   #16
Lisa Ober Lisa Ober is offline
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Speed issues

Originally Posted by Jimmie Arroyo
Yet another wow! You are a natural. Please tell me, (even if you have to lie) that you are struggling badly and not pulling these off as easy as Lisa. I'm so jealous, it's not even funny.

I've never felt a sense of hate and respect for someone before.

Seriously, it's incredible, I wish you worked more often!
Originally Posted by David Draime
Well Jimmie, I don't know if Lisa struggles with hers or if they are easy, but I do know that I don't finish mine in two hours (!!! - I wish I did!).
Gee, my computer crashes (yes, really) for a short period of time and look what goes up! You both, regardless of speed, have far outdone me. Far outdone. Did you hear me? David, this is stunningly beautiful. Your cool palette is perfect. I don't even know what to say. I have no business commenting on such great work (though that obviously hasn't stopped me). Your subject is beautiful. I'm thinking I need to spend A LOT more time on my pastels. Speed is definitely not my friend.

Did I mention I love this piece?
Lisa Ober
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